Since the day I found out I was pregnant, I started researching how to not be pregnant a full 10 months - safely of course. Yes, technically one is pregnant 10 months, not 9 - 40 weeks = 10 months. To be just blunt as I could ever be, I have always found this dreadful... almost a full year of being pregnant? Yikes!
Here are a few things I’ve discovered along the way though: 1) It grows on you - I thought I would hate it and it’s been just fine. 2) Time flies - I’ve always taken note of this to be true but seriously can’t express it more now. Time flies even more when you’re growing a human in your body. 3) You don’t have to deprive yourself of everything because you’re pregnant - the “completely off limit” foods and drinks list has always crawled under my skin a bit. I knew there had to be more to it - after all, it’s half the reason I dreaded pregnancy to begin with. To be honest, I was about 3 months in before I even realized half the things on the “don’t do“ list were even on that list and that frustrated me even more. Over the years, it’s gotten out of hand - I mean, if my mom ate it in the 80’s and it was ok, why isn’t it now? With lots of research and plenty of discussions with my doc, I discovered there are plenty of safe ways to enjoy what you like to enjoy throughout pregnancy.
With all that being said, I never knew there was a “labor inducing foods” list and when I found out, I knew as soon as I was full-term, I was going to go to town on it! I decided to create (or dig up some oldies but goodies) around the list. These recipes are all perfection and pure delight - even if you’re not pregnant and trying to go into labor!
Simple Spicy Spaghetti
Spicy foods are at the tip top of the labor-inducing foods list, and this is one of my favorite spicy go-to pasta dishes!
Bourbon Brown Sugar Grilled Pineapple with Honey Lime Creme Fraiche
Pineapple supposedly softens the cervix and triggers contractions. Whether or not that’s something you care to do, this dish is a killer snack or dessert. You won’t be able to stop eating it.
Banana Egg Pancakes with Dates Walnuts
Dates dates dates! I’ve heard a thousand times these not only induce labor but prepare your body somehow for an easy delivery. Whether or not it’s true, this is a killer breakfast and takes under 10 minutes to make.
Balsamic Goat Cheese Dates
This one’s a double whammy! Balsamic has been known to induce labor so much so there are certain restaurants that swear by their “maternity salads.” The trigger they claim? Balsamic vinegar. This recipe is balsamic AND dates so it’s got to be a winner!
“Eggplant Baby” Eggplant Parmesan
There’s a restaurant outside of Atlanta called Scalini's with over 300 testimonials from pregnant women who went into the restaurant to eat the Eggplant Parmesan and within a day or two were in labor. Full disclosure: I made this recipe and ate it for 5 days and I’m still pregnant. So it’s not going to work for everyone but I can testify: it is BEYOND delicious! Seriously, make this today. It’s not even my recipe - the only one on the list not but I urge you... DO IT!